Faith and Science

Presented by Dr. John Ashton, a professor of chemistry and biomedical science and author of 14 books. Listen to Dr. John Ashton explain how science is challenging evolution and supporting the Biblical account of creation

Latest Episodes


September 22, 2023 00:28:45
Unveiling a Creation Wonder - Our Breathing Control System - 2311

Unveiling a Creation Wonder - Our Breathing Control System - 2311

Dive into the breathtaking complexity of our respiratory system. How do our bodies effortlessly regulate oxygen levels? What's the secret behind the vast surface...



September 15, 2023 00:28:15
Creation - The Only Scientific Explanation for the Universe - 2310

Creation - The Only Scientific Explanation for the Universe - 2310

In this episode Dr John Ashton challenges the prevalent scientific consensus and its formation which lacks rigorous personal examination. Delving into recent astronomical revelations...



September 08, 2023 00:28:45
Adolescence: A Masterpiece of God's Creation - 2309

Adolescence: A Masterpiece of God's Creation - 2309

What if we told you that adolescence is not just a phase, but a masterpiece of God’s creation? In this episode, Dr John Ashton...



June 30, 2023 00:28:45
Pregnancy - Compelling Evidence For a Creator - 2308

Pregnancy - Compelling Evidence For a Creator - 2308

This program contains terminology describing the human reproductive system. Parental discretion is advised for younger listeners. Dr John Ashton reveals the amazing process of...



June 23, 2023 00:28:15
The Amazing Biochemistry of Conception - 2307

The Amazing Biochemistry of Conception - 2307

This program contains terminology describing the human reproductive system. Parental discretion is advised for younger listeners. In this episode of Faith and Science, Dr...



June 16, 2023 00:28:45
How The Nervous System Refutes Evolution - 2306

How The Nervous System Refutes Evolution - 2306

In this episode of Faith and Science Dr John Ashton explores the amazing complexity and functionality of the nervous system, and how it refutes...
